Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick!

By Charles •  Updated: 02/28/23 •  0 min read

If you’re wondering how to get rid of pesky carpenter bees from your backyard, a simple solution is to hang a paper bag nearby. Carpenter bees are attracted to wood and can cause significant damage to wooden structures.

Placing a brown paper bag outside can help keep these bees away—effectively getting rid of a problem insect in your garden. Not only does this home remedy keep carpenter bees away, but it is also easy to do and cost-effective.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Ready to bid farewell to those pesky carpenter bees? Well, you’re in luck! This article has all the tools you need to put an end to these pesky uninvited guests. We’ll talk you through the process of identifying, targeting and eliminating these annoying bees, with a simple and easy trick that you can do yourself.

In no time, those bees will have made their exit and you’ll be in the clear! So let’s get started – if you’re ready to kiss goodbye to those carpenter bees, keep reading!

Table of Contents

Introduction to Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees, native to North America, are large, solitary bee species that make their homes in a wide range of habitats. They are easily identified by their bright colors such as metallic green and blue.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Their ability to drill and burrow into wooden structures creates perfectly circular tunnel entrances which serve as homes for their young. Though persistent and destructive, carpenter bees can be managed with insecticides and other cautionary measures.

The most damage they cause is their propensity to chew wood and bore into wooden structures in search of nesting sites. It is important to note that female carpenter bees can sting but typically will not do so unless provoked.

Identify a Carpenter Bee Infestation

One way to identify a carpenter bee infestation is to inspect the wood around your home. Look for perfectly round, one-inch diameter holes — this is the size of an average carpenter bee entry hole — in these wooden surfaces and mark any you find.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Additionally, take note of any sawdust like residue beneath these entry points, as this is usually a sign that the insects have already been at work. Lastly, if you hear a loud buzzing sound coming from any of the affected areas, that could also be an indication of an infestation.

The Decline of the Carpenter Bees in Your Space

There has been a dire reduction in the population of carpenter bees in your area due to multiple human-related factors. Low nesting opportunities and certain chemical treatments to protect plants from insect damage have led to a rampant decrease in the survival rate of these helpful creatures.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

To ensure their safe survival, appropriate nesting space needs to be cleared, and the good effects of chemical treatment needs to be weighed against the dangers it poses to these pollinators. Taking these steps is critical in preserving the delicate balance between humanity and nature.

What Causes Carpenter Bees to Appear

Carpenter bees can be a source of annoyance for homeowners and gardeners alike, as their activity can create structural damage like enlarged holes on wood surfaces. The presence of carpenter bees can be attributed to a number of factors such as particular species of wood, availability of nectar and pollen sources, lack of natural predators and climates that are suitable for their development.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

In fact, they tend to appear in spots that had previous carpenter bee extractions, due to the fact that the males of the species return and attempt to mate in the same area each year. To discourage carpenter bees, homeowners should invest in a natural pesticide, seal their wood surfaces and remove any superfluous amounts of nectar and pollen sources.

A Simple Trick to Rid Yourself of Pesky Carpenter Bees

If pesky carpenter bees have been bothering you, try this simple trick as a humane solution to ridding yourself of them: Start by either purchasing or constructing a bee or hornet trap. Place the trap near the area the carpenter bees are frequenting.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Include a source of sweet liquid bait, like honey, to attract them to the trap. Empty the trap of carpenter bees as needed as they arrive.

After several days of catching bees in the trap they will be driven away from the area as they recognize danger lurks. Use this simple trick and you’ll be rid of your carpenter bee problem in no time.

What You’ll Need to Complete the Trick

Completing the trick requires that you have certain components. To begin, you must have your trick set up appropriately.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

This requires thinking through the process of the trick, gathering all of the pieces you need, and setting up the area where you will be performing the trick. You will also need to know the workings of the trick and have practiced it numerous times beforehand.

In addition, you should have the right clothing or clothing accessories for the trick. You may also need outside performance items, like a bridge or a stool, so make sure to have them on hand.

Finally, make sure you have a good audience – having someone to react to the trick enhances the overall show.

Step-by-Step Instructions on Applying the Trick

le-Down TheoryThe Trickle-Down Theory is an economic concept that suggests a tax cut for higher-income earners will trickle down to those in lower income brackets. To apply the Trickle-Down Theory, the first step is to reduce taxes for the wealthy, which will increase their disposable income resulting in the opportunity for more economic activity.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Step two is for those wealthy individuals to put that money towards goods and services, as this will create jobs and increase wages for those in the lower income brackets. Step three is for those with a higher income to invest in goods and services in which the increase in demand will cause prices to drop for goods and services for those in lower income brackets.

Lastly, those with higher incomes can invest in organizations that have a positive social and economic impact, such as charities, innovation, and education.

What to Do After Completing the Trick

or TreatingAfter completing trick or treating, the night isn’t over yet! To ensure a safe, pleasant evening, it’s important to take a few preventative measures. Inventory your loot, double check for tampering of goods, and wash hands thoroughly to make sure no outside contaminants are brought into the home.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Be sure to keep an eye on young children and their candy-induced sugar highs. Allergy-prone kids must be additionally cautious, verifying that candies and other goodie bag items do not pose a hazard.

Finally, after a fun-filled evening spent trick or treating, sit back and enjoy the rewards of your efforts!

Other Ways to Prevent Carpenter Bees from Nesting in Your Space

To protect yourself from carpenter bees, you should take precautionary measures to prevent them from nesting in your space. Start by trimming away any overhanging limbs or branches that might be too close to your home.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Carpenter bees prefer soft, decaying wood, and also like to nest in corners and near joints in the walls. Inspect your building for any weaknesses or damage that might attract the bees.

Additionally, treating the outside of your building with a polyurethane, varnish, stain, or paint will make the wood less attractive to the bees. Finally, using sticky traps and bait traps can help you catch the bees in the act while providing you with a safe and effective method of avoiding serious infestations.


In conclusion, one can conclude that the overall topic discussed today is extremely important and should not be taken lightly. It is clear that the facts and data presented provide a valuable insight into the topics discussed, and the conclusions drawn from them can be trusted.

Say Goodbye to Pesky Carpenter Bees with This Simple Trick! - Beekeeping 101

Furthermore, proper precautions, decisions and further research should be taken to ensure that the overall topic is addressed in a satisfactory manner. To conclude, proper steps and measures should be taken to ensure that this important subject is adequately addressed.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, carpenter bees can be a nuisance to homeowners, but using a paper bag is an easy and effective way to keep them away. All you need is some brown paper bags and string.

Hang them around the outside of your home to keep the carpenter bees away and enjoy being outside worry-free again. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment at the same time!
